All product imagery and descriptions have been kindly provided by Anima Mundi Apothecary. Known as the “Jewel of the East”, Chlorella is a genus of single cell freshwater green algae. Chlorella has a remarkable nutrient profile containing an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals. Chlorella has around 50% complete protein with up to 70% protein digestibility making it a highly bio-available superfood.
Key benefits
All product imagery and descriptions have been kindly provided by Anima Mundi Apothecary. Known as the “Jewel of the East”, Chlorella is a genus of single cell freshwater green algae. Chlorella has a remarkable nutrient profile containing an abundance of essential vitamins and minerals. Chlorella has around 50% complete protein with up to 70% protein digestibility making it a highly bio-available superfood.
Key benefits

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