All product imagery and descriptions have been kindly provided by Anima Mundi Apothecary. In Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine that’s been practiced for India for thousands of years, Butterfly Pea Flower tea is called Anchan tea. It’s used in devotional ceremonies to represent protection, love and peace. It’s associated with the powerful Hindu goddess named Aparajita (whose name means “the undefeated one”).
Key benefits
All product imagery and descriptions have been kindly provided by Anima Mundi Apothecary. In Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine that’s been practiced for India for thousands of years, Butterfly Pea Flower tea is called Anchan tea. It’s used in devotional ceremonies to represent protection, love and peace. It’s associated with the powerful Hindu goddess named Aparajita (whose name means “the undefeated one”).
Key benefits
Quality ingredients always come first
We aim to continuously source pristine, unadulterated and wholesome medicines for mind, body, and soul wellness.